Checklist for a Skien, Norway Street Musician
Gather necessary things:
Gather necessary things:
A partner: you need another person with you, cause plain and simple its way more fun to a have partner in crime.
A sign: my sign simply says “help us pay our bills”. It’s a good conversation starter. When people read it the start asking questions like “Where are you from?”, “Why is this in English?”, “What the heck are you doing in Norway?” and “What are bills?”.
An instrument: in fact, the more the better. We went out one night with a snare drum, a banjo, a guitar, harmonica, jaw harp and mandolin and l can’t even begin to tell you how much fun that was. I would like to say that when we play with all this stuff that the heavens open and a chorus of admiration rains down upon us, but this is not so. Its hard to sound good with three of us, but man, we try and its fun.
What to expect while playing:
What to expect while playing:
Music you don’t like: In my opinion great songs are full of artist value, good lyrics, really pretty instrumental parts and an honest message. Most people want none of it. We will be out there really putting out hearts into a good song and someone will drunkenly yell “Play Bon Jovi!, No wait, play Metalica!, No wait play some other crappy song”. I find this to be a strange mentality. We do our best to learn the songs like “Living on a Prayer” and “Wonderwall” but there are only so many Shakira impressions we can do before l wanna rip my hair out. But it is nice to know that they are listening and feel comfortable enough to come and talk to us. Whatever it takes to start a conversation, right?
Rolling money: Its a world wide fact that drunk people are not the best basketball players. This is not limited to throwing a ball threw a hoop but also trying to toss a coin into a guitar case from across the street. I have had to play the guitar while running down the hill chasing a coin that went rouge and tried to be free of the cruel world it thinks it lives in. Good cardio at least.
Regulars:These guys are so much fun. I don’t want to pump up my own ego but we do have fans. People who are out every Friday and Saturday night and come up and dance and sing really loudly with us. Making these relationships is the real reason we keep coming out.
What difference does it make?
Know your city: The city that l live in , Skien, is generally know throughout norway as one of the worst. Studies have shown that Skien has some of the highest crime rates, most drug addicts and just general unemployment in all of norway. Is this supposes to scare us? what iv found while just playing outside on fridays and saturdays is yes there is alot of stuff going on around us but these are just people. People who need a smile on there face and a place to just stand and listen or talk. We have never been threatened or anything of that nature. I feel like people in the city who know us find it very peaceful to just hangout and listen to music. Which might be a nice change for them.
Know your friends: One thing that going out has taught me would be that when you have a crazy idea, there is always someone who will do it with you. I mean when l first thought of just playing on the street l did not want to go alone. I mean really what fun is that? But l found that there were a handful of people who were more than happy to help out in going out. Iv been lucky enough to have friends around me who are talented and just as c around strangers as I am.
Whats the effect: People like safe. By us just being out on the street, on their levels, we are able to create a sort of safe circle. But its not just us, its God. I would not be as bold if l did not know that he was right there strumming a tune with us. Busking is a great hobby for anyone and a great way to meet people. I cant say that ill be giving it up anytime soon.Have a good one guys